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Friday, December 23, 2005


This is a site set-up by a disgruntled Starbuck's Customer...Read his story.


Thoughts Become Things!

This is a great, short speech by Mike Dooley.


Listen to the message and the message behind the message.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Do you like your chicken?

Some people may find the following websites disturbing...

Pamela Anderson is a spokesperson for this site:


Do you want to know why I think Indians are so funny?

Before you get nasty, I should let you know that some of my best friends are Indians.

But watch below and laugh yourself crazy! Its from an old british show....very funny!

Click Here Now!

What is the Secret?

You have known it all along, have'nt you?

It is no accident that you are reading this. There are no coincidences in life. The concept of luck is only an illusion, and it points to the unexplainable which very few know.

I have said too much...

Let me show you instead.


With Respect!

Improve Your Public Speaking Skills Today...

Toast Masters is a non-profit organisation that has been teaching people the art of public speaking since 1924.

Speaking effectively is definitely a skill that you should posses.


Many of you are probably great speakers speakers, but we call improve.I am signing up....hope to see you there.

George Orwell and the Big Brother concept

Are we going too far...is Big Brother really onto you?



An unusual take on Google and the Internet.

I thought this was interesting. I picked it off another blog.

Interesting......what do you think?



Lance Armstrong - A lesson in Marketing?

For those of you who dont know what on earth I am talking about, here is a little background. Lance Armstrong is 7-time Tour de France winner. Thats a cycling competition btw Whats amazing about this is that not only is this a record, but Lance Armstrong did it after being diagnosed with cancer (twice!).

Lance Armstrong is the embodiment of a "Never Say Die" attitude."But Koorosh, How can this athlete teach me anything about marketing."Ahhh...great question.Look around you and chances are you will see someone wearing a yellow wristband. These wristbands were the brainchild of Armstrong. He has made it his personal mission to raise awareness and money to combat cancer. These wristbands are doing that perfctly.

Lance said it best himself when he said that if it was just about raising money, he could have gone to wealthy corporations or individuals and asked for checks worth millions of dollars..... Instead, by selling these yellow wristbands, he has not only raised lots of money but also raised alot of awareness....which is the main idea.

When this campaign started around November 2004, their initial target was just to raise $5 million dollars.....but it has been so successful that they have raised over $40 million dollars so far and still going strong. The idea has been so successful that many other organisations have introduced their own wristbands, in a variety of colors.

Imagine that!

Funny Pablo Francisco.

This guy is hilarious.

Click Here!

He sells computer Pixels for a living.

Hey guys...

I want to tell you about a small idea that is reaping big rewards. A young man, desperate for money in order to pay for his university tuition has come up with a novel idea.


A website set up by Alex Teu with the purpose of raising 1 million dollars for college. The website sells advetising space the size of a pixel for only a $1 each. Check it out:


The site went online in August 2005 and it has raised over $350,000. Now, that total is up to $683,400. With a page rank of 7 and a price of $100.00 to advertise for 5 years it is a bargain for any website to have a link on it just for the page rank value alone.

I suspect the $1,000,000 goal will be reached very soon -- probably before the end of the year. What's more is that he has set up even more similar sites, to raise money for a BMW among other valuable things. The amount of press he has recieved is enormous....see "press" on his website.

Imagine that.

Cost of Forehead =$37,375

Some people are just out of their minds!


The eBay Song

Another funny song by Wierd Al Yankovic:

Check it out...it has a message too.



The Wierd, Whacky and Bizarre

Through this humble, little blog I aim to share with you stories, articles and links that will make you laugh, think, be amazed and will hopefully make you raise an eyebrow!

If you want to share your own interesting posts, just send them in and I will make sure that they get the attention they deserve.


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